Beyonce 100 Single Ladies Flash-Dance Piccadilly Circus, London for Trident Unwrapped

Isn't this cool? I love it!!!! The first time I saw this women I couldn't believe it. Then I remembered I had seen this video of the cell phone carrier in a mall, then the other ones in a train station surprising people and I thought that music used properly can motivate positive changes in people.

What I think is great is the fact that it expresses a simple truth: Life is for sharing, that's one of our basic needs and dancing by ourselves is not even half as fun as dancing in a club or in a concert!

This one, the first original and unique flash mob featuring a song from the musical "The Sound Of Music", proves that when you want to change someone's life you need to work under one simple goal. All of these dancers probably trained for weeks before shooting the commercial, but they changed life of many that day with a simple action: dancing! Can you imagine how the people who were there felt at the end of the day: like they had been part of something special!


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