Back to blogging, or blogging backwards?
I have always enjoyed writing and I must say that I do enjoy it a lot. This particular class has been a reminder of why I started blogging almost nine years ago; I have always been looking for an outlet to all those things that are always going through my mind.
Where do these ideas come from? Why Philosophy? Why music? Why the stars? Well, as I walked to the convenience store for some late snacks I looked up and saw Orion in the distance, the southern cross and a full moon that gave a delightful blue color to the pavement and the houses painted in white.
The answer lays there precisely, in the sky, in the stars. That is where men has always looked for it. It is that strong feeling that there is something else out there (and you may call it different names; I call it "meaning and purpose"). Recently I started rereading "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan. I have always admired his gift as a cosmologist more than a physicist. He had that philosophical spirit in him and was able to look deep into space using his imagination and knowledge to give a simple message:
If we are alone or not in such a big universe (infinite or not), we are still a miracle. There are days that one might reflect on the situation of the world and how everything operates, but still, it is wonderful.
When the main character in the movie "Lucy", by Jean Luc Besson, asks what she should do with all her knowledge (this movie also gives a very interesting perspective on how knowledge is shared through our genetic code), the scientist says: "pass it on" (you can watch the movie clip here).
I'll get back on this topic once again in the future.
I'll get back on this topic once again in the future.