Moving back and forth!

Is it possible for someone who enjoys talking nonsense online to move a blog around, I think I'm going to do so after this post!

I'll let you know how easy it was! (or not!)

However, this is the revisited post you're reading right now, because I decided to check on what I had posted for the last year or so, to discover that most of the post were nonsensical stuff. I love sharing some of my findings, but some of them were not very educational, interesting or useful. Then I thought, I'm trying to leave behind the need to prove that these things are important in any level, that's why I named my blog "No interest whatsoever", because that's what it is required to read my posts.

Anyway, sometimes it feels more like a journal or a diary than a blog, but I'm not going to take anything from here (except some old post which could not be found due to removal of the items being featured!). This blog came to my life when I needed to express myself openly and for this reason I cherish it.


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